Sunday, May 4, 2008

Our growing boy...

Since I posted a bunch of Kenz and Koop I figured it wasn't nice to leave Kole out, so here are a few pics of our growing boy. He's still tiny but it growing like a weed. You know that's certain when the newborn diapers, that were once big, are getting snug and when clothes begin to fit a little nicer. It's crazy to think that he'll be 4 weeks already on Tuesday. Time is just a flying by. We are very much enjoying the newborn days again. Kolter is truly a gift from God and a wonderful addition to the Rotman clan!

1 comment:

TracyVDM said...

It's funny how they look so much bigger in pictures than in person. I can tell his looks are changing already! He looks a lot different from when he was me, at least. :-)