Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Lake Michigan Reformed

On Sunday we decided to head out to the State Park for our own family church service and boy was it refreshing and enjoyable. For us, church at VP over the past year has consisted of either sitting in the parent room with one or two kids or helping in the 2&3's class. One of us maybe catches a sermon once a month. Thank goodness we can now be fed online. While we enjoy all that we thought it'd be nice, for a change, to head outdoors and let the kids run free and enjoy God's creation beachfront style. I think they now hope it's a regular thing as they loved running about in the sand and getting their toes wet in the water. (the water was a very chilling 46 degrees) Sunday sure was beautiful and we praise God for allowing us to be outdoors and just bask in His creation....


The Robinsons said...

We did a similar thing on Sunday. Its amazing how sometimes you can feel His presence more when you are together as a family in the outdoors than when you are actually at church. Praise Him for the sunshine on Sunday - it was beautiful! :) Great pictures too!

Matt Yount said...

Sweet! We should join you next time! Love the photo of Kennedy and Koop from behind. Church isn't something you go's something you be!