Thursday, December 4, 2008


On Monday night Santa came to Herman Miller so we took the kids for a little visit. We were supposed to hit the parade afterward but opted not to as the weather wasn't all that pleasant. The kids weren't scared of Santa so that was good as we weren't exactly sure how that would go. Kolter did start bawling after the last pic was taken. Overall they very much enjoyed their time at HMI. They had a craft and everything including a movie and snacks for the kids. Glue sticks and the permanent markers were a big hit for Kenz as we don't often use those items when we do crafts at home. We prefer washable markers and the glue only comes out on occasion so that was a special treat. Maybe even more special than sitting on Santa's lap to a 3 year old. At least we got some cute pics out of the deal and it was a fun night. She did ask where Santa Brad was after seeing this Santa. We said maybe he'd come when we get together with the Rotman fam on Christmas Eve. Santa Brad is actually her uncle Brad who dresses up on Christmas Eve. I think she liked this Santa but is really looking for to seeing Santa Brad as it was all she talked about after that night. Only 20 more days...

1 comment:

Meeuwsens said...

Those pics are the second one where they are all doing their own thing.