Tuesday, July 15, 2008

Happy Birthday Kooper!

We celebrated Kooper's 2nd birthday while we were camping. July 13 started off as a great day. It was kind of a cool day, not one for the beach, so we decided to take a nice family nature walk. The park has a 2.5 mile trail with lookouts along the path. We figured we'd let the kids run/walk and hopefully it'd tire them out on the way back to camp so that they'd get a decent nap as we were planning a party for Kooper at the cottage that evening. While we were on our walk Kooper ended up hurting his arm. It was sort of our fault as we were swinging him. (Doing the one, two, three swing thing as he held on to both of our hands) Anyway on the third swing he started balling. At that point we knew something was wrong as he continued to cry owie. To make a long story short we ended up taking him to urgent care per our drs. recommendation. He was crying when we got there and even whiny in the waiting room just holding the left arm limp. Much to our surprise he was miraculously healed right after the x-rays were taken. (the power of prayer) The dr. said maybe he reset it on his own in that short time. I guess that's pretty common with that type of injury in young kids. You would've never had known he was in pain after all that. He was back to his old hyper, very active, self before we were even out of the office. The healing truly was a blessing. I just wished we could have avoided the whole urgent care thing altogether, but oh well I guess. :-) After an hour or so at urgent care we headed to Meijer to let him pick out a cake. We had cake and ice cream and celebrated his birthday with the Rotman clan back at the cottage. We praise God that our little boy ended up having a great birthday and that all was well with him by the time the party started. Seeing your sweet boy in pain is truly heartbreaking. We also thank God for 2 wonderful years with Kooper. We look forward to many more b-day parties at the cottage.


The Robinsons said...

So glad that everything turned out alright with Koop's arm! Scary! We do that 1,2,3 Jump game with K all the time to and I always worry about her arm popping out of socket. I think we're done with that game! Happy late Birthday Koop!

The O'Connor Family said...

Happy Birthday Kooper!! Love, Emma & Logan