Saturday, January 10, 2009

More Kolter Pics

We went to Tracy's this morning for Kolter's 9 month pics so I had to snap a couple myself as he was all cuted up in his sweater and matching hat. I can't wait to see what she was able to capture. He was a little more into his puffs than my camera. Guess that's to be expected as I constantly have the camera in his face. :-)
He kinda looks like a little MSU fan in these colors. That wasn't intentional.
I also forgot to note in his 9 month post that he can wave hi and bye. He also learned how to clap which is super cute. He pretty much hates having his diaper changed and getting dressed. It can honestly be quiet challenging some days. I think he'd be a nudist if he had a say. :-) He does go for his 9 month appointment sometime this month. I'm hoping for a reminder call because I didn't write it down. Guess I could probably call my drs. office and ask. I'll post his stats once I get them.


GITTYUP said...

Wow, Tim and Kolter have a lot in common!

Megan said...

These are so precious! You are very talented! Keep them coming. Adorable! I love the close up shots.