Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Kolter's 2 month check up

Kolter went to the dr. today for his 2 month well child appointment and it seems he is growing like a 2 month old should. He was 11lbs. 10oz. and 23 inches long. He gained exactly 4lbs. since his two week check up which has now landed him in the 50th percentile for both weight and height. He had to have three owie shots today and one oral one. He loved the oral shot but didn't much care for the pokes. Who, I guess, does. He cried pretty good. The nurse had to let him catch his breath before continuing with the last shot. That will break your heart every time. I'd like to say it gets easier, but it doesn't. Newborn shots are easier than when they are administered to your toddler. Kooper is up next and that's not going to be much fun. Overall the appointment went well. The doctor said he looks great, so that's good to hear. My friend Amanda watched the other two so that was a great help. Taking all three into a small room is somewhat challenging. Thankfully Amanda lives close to our doctor so it worked out great. All three crashed on the ride home. Must have been the fresh, humid, air for Kenz and Koop and the shots that did it for Kole.

1 comment:

Brad and Jill said...

We are so glad to hear that the little buddy is doing so well. It must be so hard to see him get his shots - poor thing - good thing they can't remember them:) I can't believe how fast he is growing! Jill