Sunday, September 13, 2009

Camera Hams

I sometimes feel bad that the majority of the pictures I take are of Kenz and Kolt. Koop just isn't a big camera fan and these two are what I call little camera hams. Kolt will often say cheese whenever he sees me with the camera. He also likes to see the pic after it's taken. I find it funny that he's learned that at only 17mo. I guess that's what I get for having a camera in his face constantly. Kenz also loves the camera and will pretty much bust out a smile and pose without me even having to ask. So, if you're wondering we aren't purposely leaving Koop out. He just currently chooses to opt out. Someday I'm sure he'll be a ham just like these two.


The O'Connor Family said...

Cute picture! Logan is the same way as Kooper-doesn't really prefer taking pics. I have to be a bit 'sneaky' with him. :)

Megan said...

Wow he is looking so grown up! Cute pics!

Brad and Jill said...

What beautiful lighting - I love those pictures of them! Too bad Koop doesn't like the camera - he is a little ham too. Jill