Thursday, October 30, 2008

Pumpkin Fun

So last night was supposed to be pumpkin carving night at our house. Nothing like waiting until the last minute now, hey? Time sort of got away from us and we didn't end up getting to the carving. We did spend a little time letting the kids color and draw on them though. Kolter is too little to use markers so he just tried sucking on the top of his pumpkin. He did trying grabbing markers and marker tops any chance we got though too. He is quick when it comes to the grab, that's for sure. The kids had a lot of fun decorating their pumpkins. Kennedy even got out some stickers and cut some fancy shapes and taped them to her pumpkin. As the kids are still little I think they had as much, if not more, fun just dressing up their pumpkins rather than craving them. Maybe tomorrow we'll get a chance to carve them. If not, I don't think they'll mind. Hopefully we've got a few years yet before they catch on to how this Halloween thing works.

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