Wednesday, February 20, 2008

Having Some Fun..

Life at our house is just oh so much fun as you can imagine with a 1 1/2 and a 2 1/2 year old. If the kids aren't chasing BIG LION, that's Bryan on all fours running wild through our house, then Kennedy is either dancing and dressing up and Kooper's undressing and pretending to be Uncle Brad. (minus the undressing part because we have yet to see that side of Brad when he's playing his guitar) None the less our kids sure have energy and love to have fun no matter what they are doing. To put it mildly they keep us on our toes. We rest when they are either napping or down for the night. Oh to have the energy they do... if only we could bottle it up and partake when need be.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How fun! I am so glad that you did the blog - the name is sooo cute! I never seen the pic of the next Kooper - that is so cool - you can actually see what he looks like! We love you! Jill