Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Kooper Goes to Preschool

On Tuesday I was able to venture to school with Koop for an hour on his first official day of preschool. He was super excited and couldn't wait until it was time to go. He has Mrs. Genzink this year, who Kennedy had last year, so in away he is familiar with her and with the classroom. I think he is really going to enjoy this year!
Some before school pics of our super excited little man.

Love how big his backpack is on him. :)
Kolt needed to get in on one. :)
Super excited to have Mrs. Genzink as his teacher..
We were able to decorate his ABC box and he was proud to show it off.
We had some play time and he had fun hiding out in the fort they have in the classroom.
Praying for a fun and happy year of preschool.
Friday can't come soon enough for Koop. I think he could've done an everyday class if there was one available. :) Thrilled that both our kids seem to LOVE school. Praying this continues throughout the years.



there is a THREE day class.. did you forget :) I would have loved having him! :)

The Rotman's said...

I know.. I should've.. I didn't know I'd be home and be able to take him more when I signed up in Feb. :) Kolter for sure. :)

Mike said...

stinkin' CUTE!!!!!! Fun stuff man. Fun stuff.