Thursday, January 8, 2009

9 Months Old

Our darling little sweetie is 9 months old today. Where does the time go? The past month has been super fun. Kolter is SUPER busy and VERY curious. He started crawling at exactly 8 months and has been non stop and on the go ever since. Keeping up with the other two is probably the incentive. :-) He loves to stand up and can walk along the couch and any other thing he can support him. Kenz and Kooper have so much fun playing with him now. Kooper calls him buddy and Kenz calls him her little sweetie. There are times however when they exclude him from their play because he likes to mess up all their stuff. It's kinda cute as he does seek and destroy whatever he can of theirs. He finally started saying mama and dada and a whole lot of other babble and is constantly talking. He also learned that he can climb up the stairs. The only thing is that he hasn't mastered going down them so that's kind of scary. Thank goodness for baby gates. He is one happy little guy most of the time. He still eats pretty much anything you give him or that he can get his hands on. When the other kids have snacks he's on the prowl for whatever is in their bowl. Everything, and I mean everything, goes straight to the mouth. The beach is going to be a real treat this summer. I forgot about these days and it hasn't even been that long. He's such a delight in our lives and just a pure blessing from above. Our hearts overflow.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh my goodness- he is so cute! I can't believe it's been that long already! Goes to quick!
Does he have a sippy cup already?? We gave Eli one just to play with, but not really planning on him using it quite yet- thought it might help when we switcharoo to real milk at a year.
We have a crawler now too,- it is so busy! I forgot all this fun stuff. Eli waves his hand up and down bye-bye, a new discovery this week, and boy does that make you want to cry on your way to work!
Glad things are going well for you all.